How Can You Help Change the Law?

Rincker LawFood & Ag Organizations, Food & Ag Policy, Food & Ag Pubs

Many people in the agriculture community like to complain about the law, but only a select few take the time to do something about it.  In the recent Grassroots newspaper published by the New York Farm Bureau (“NYFB”), there is a great article by Jeff Williams (on page 13) about how a New York agriculture producer took the initiative to …

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A Handshake Just Won’t Cut It

Rincker LawFood & Ag Law

Farmers and ranchers are constantly dealing with family, friends, and people that they have had a business relationship with for years and years.  Because of these long-term relationships, it is easy for farmers and ranchers to trust the other party in this type of business transaction.  It is not rare for farmers to make oral contracts with one another with …

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Looking for Some Ag Tweeps?

Rincker LawSocial Media and Technology

Good, bad, or indifferent, social media is everywhere. . . especially in the agriculture industry right now.  Mike Haley (a.k.a. @FollowFarmer and @FarmerHaley), a Simmental cattle producer in Ohio, compiled a significant list of all ag-focused tweeps on Twitter here.  Both @CariRincker and @RinckerLaw are on this very expansive list of agriculture folks ranging from livestock producers to agriculture organizations, …

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