Ask Kym: Parenting Time Under Illinois Law with Coronovirus Outbreak

Rincker LawFamily/Matrimonial Law

As you can imagine, this issue has been arising in child custody cases around the country. I have received this question from several clients, like yourself, who are concerned about court ordered parenting time agreements.  While there is no clear law on it since this is an unprecedented global health crisis, I will inform you of the relevant laws in …

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NALC Fact Sheet: Custody and Visitation Issues for Divorcing Farm and Ranch Families

Rincker LawFamily/Matrimonial Law

This is always a hot topic in divorce, but in particular with farm and ranch families.  I worked on Fact Sheets for family law issues affecting agriculture for the National Agriculture Law Center.  You can read my Fact Sheet on children issues including “custody and visitation” here.

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