Looking to Start or Build a Family/Divorce Mediation Practice?

Rincker LawAlternative Dispute Resolution, Family/Matrimonial Law, Mediation services, Seminars

  I have loved my family and divorce mediation part of my practice over the last few years. In particular, I strongly believe in the divorce mediation process.  I recently met Justine Borer, a well-established family and divorce mediator in New York City, and she recommended her seminar titled “Practical Tips for Family and Divorce Mediators.”  Although focused on the …

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A Few of the Many Reasons Why I Support Divorce Mediation

Rincker LawFamily/Matrimonial Law

I’m a divorce lawyer and mediator.  As a lawyer, I handle both contested and uncontested divorce.  A “contested” divorce just means that 1 or both parties seek court intervention.  An “uncontested” divorce means that the parties were able to reach a settlement agreement without seeking court intervention.  In either context, couples can decide to use a mediator.  Here are a …

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