Legal Considerations As You Ramp Up Your Cybersecurity

Cari RinckerBusiness Law, Business/Commercial Law

The internet has been a game changer for small businesses, allowing them to reach new markets, hire nonlocal talent, and compete with larger companies. Not having an online presence where customers can discover and interact with your business is now almost unthinkable. You may also have remote team members and vendor partners that are vital to your success. But the …

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Cybersecurity: Protecting Your Business

Rincker LawBusiness/Commercial Law

Cybersecurity is a growing concern for businesses, and small businesses are not immune from the threats posed by cybercriminals. Don’t be complacent because your business is small: Almost half of all cyberattacks in the U.S. are directed at small businesses. In recognition of this serious problem, in August 2018, President Trump signed into law the NIST Small Business Cybersecurity Act, …

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