Legal Considerations for Email Marketing

Cari RinckerBusiness Law

Small businesses have more ways than ever to reach their audience. Social media, websites and blogs, video campaigns, webinars, and podcasts are just a few of the marketing strategies that you may leverage to drive sales. And while it is good to experiment with new ways of communicating your message, you should not overlook tried-and-true strategies like email marketing. Email …

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My Presentation at AALA Regarding My Technology Choices in My Law Practice

Rincker LawSocial Media and Technology, Speaking Engagements

I spoke at the American Agriculture Law Association‘s (“AALA”) Annual Agriculture Law Symposium in Nashville, Tennessee on my own technology choices in my law practice  You can view my presentation below. [slideshare id=14673383&doc=mytechnologychoicesinmyaglawpractice-121010142927-phpapp01] In case you missed it, this article in the American Bar Association (“ABA”) GP Solo magazine gives a brief overview of my technology choices.

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