Reminder About Working With A Veterinarian

Rincker LawAgriculture Production, Food & Ag Law, Food & Ag Organizations, Food & Ag Pubs

I was reading the November/December 2011 Issue of the New York Beef Producer from the New York Beef Producers’ Association today. Ron Kuck, a New York Dairy/Livestock Extension Educator with Cornell had a nice article on page 28 regarding the importance of working with your herd veterinarian.  Kuck suggests working with a veterinarian to develop a “health management strategy and …

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Some Thoughts On Contacting An Attorney for a Consultation

Rincker LawAttorney-Client Relationship

I read this excellent blog post last night from Alison Rowe, an equine lawyer in Texas, titled “How To Cold-Call An Attorney.”  She did a great job covering preparation, expectation, listening and timing.  I especially liked Alison’s advice on explaining your problem to your attorney in four sentences or less and contacting an attorney well before the court appearance. A …

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