Deadline to Apply to the National Beef Speakers Bureau Quickly Approaching

Rincker LawAg-vocacy, Agriculture Education, Food & Ag Organizations, Social Media and Technology

Happy Sunday.  I wanted to alert my readers on a deadline that right around the corner.  The American National Cattlewomen, Inc. (“ANCW”) is currently taking applications for the National Beef Speakers Bureau (“NBSB”) through December 15, 2011.  You can find the application here.  Last year was the first year for the program.  With the help of cattlewomen from coast to …

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Ag Book Club: Farmer Jane

Rincker LawAg Book Club

I recently read the book Farmer Jane:  Women Changing the Food We Eat.  If you have read the book and are interested in having an online discussion, please email me at  I would like to have a video conference via Skype or WebEx sometime in August. It is a fairly short book and an easy read. You can order …

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