Episode 38 of Ag Law Today: Fence Law

Rincker LawAg Law Today, Food & Ag Law, Podcasts

Really enjoyed this episode of Ag Law Today on Fence Law with Indiana ag lawyer Brianna Schroeder with the Janzen Ag law Group.

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New York Fence Law

Rincker LawFood & Ag Law, Property Law

In New York, property owners grazing livestock are required to erect, maintain and repair the fenceline.  Under New York Town Law § 300, each owner of two adjoining tracts of land is required to erect and maintain a fence to keep his/her grazing animals separate, unless they agree (in writing) to let their lands lie open to allow the animals to …

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NY Ag Liens: Lien on Stray Animals

Rincker LawAnimal Law, Food & Ag Law

Under NY Town Law § 310, if a person has any strayed horses, cattle, sheep, swine, goats or other livestock animal upon their property which is not adjoined to the livestock owner’s property (in other words, not your immediate neighbor), then that person may have a lien claim against the stray animals.  The livestock must have caused property damage and …

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