So What’s Your Number? The ABC’s of FICO’s

Rincker LawCredit

I receive a lot of questions from clients regarding credit scores.  I think a primer on FICO’s would be appropriate. There are three credit reporting agencies (“CRAs”):  Equifax, Experian, and TransUnion.  I recommend reviewing your credit report annually from each of the three CRAs from (as opposed to which actually charges you to obtain your credit report instantaneously). …

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When is the Last Time You Visited the National Agricultural Law Center’s Website?

Rincker LawFood & Ag Law, Food & Ag Organizations, International Treaties and UN Organizations

Last week I recieved this tweet from @NateJaeger, the Director of the Beef, Equine, and Hay & Forage Commodities at the Alabama Farmers Federation:  Hey @CariRincker why haven’t you told us about this b4  It’s awesome. I responded to @NateJaeger indicating that the National Agricultural Law Center was a fantastic resource for people and agribusinesses in nearly every segment of …

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