Hear Cari Rincker Talk Biz on the Central Illinois Business Leaders Podcast

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I really enjoyed joining Derek Hayden and Garrett Ulmer with the Central Illinois Business Leaders Podcast, available here.  I give some behind the scenes looks at Rincker Law and my life as a manager of this law practice (both before I had baby and afterwards).

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Asset Protection for Entrepreneurs

Rincker LawBusiness/Commercial Law

Going into business for yourself is a risky endeavor. From investing in goods and services and hiring employees to simply carrying out the daily tasks related to your business, each step is fraught with risks. This is especially true given the litigious nature of our society. As a result, many entrepreneurs employ asset protection strategies. Asset protection is a form …

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Navigating Periods of Uncertainty and Unrest as a Business Owner

Rincker LawBusiness/Commercial Law

Uncertainty and unrest have defined 2020. From COVID-19 and record-breaking unemployment to ideological, political, and societal conflicts, business owners have faced significant challenges to their survival and success. Regardless of their current political views or health and financial statuses, business leaders agree that they must navigate this time with care. The decisions that business owners make during difficult periods could …

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