Family Law Issues with Agriculture: Estate and Succession Planning

Rincker LawFamily/Matrimonial Law, Food & Ag Law

It is uncommon for agriculture producers and business owners to consider estate planning and succession planning for their agriculture operation in the midst of a divorce; however, divorcing farm families should consider this while negotiating the division of marital assets. These assets may include the farm or ranch business and its assets. After all, divorce is one of the Big …

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Family Law Issues in Agriculture: Animal Issues

Rincker LawAnimal Law, Family/Matrimonial Law

Divorces among farm families inherently have animal issues – not only with live animals but also with genetic material (e.g., embryos, semen). These are important property disputes for some farm families. Depending on the state, companion animals can be treated differently. Companion Animals To begin, companion animals typically include dogs and cats, but can also include some exotic animals and …

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