Grow NYC Report on Greenmarket Farmers: “Farmers on the Edge”

Rincker LawUncategorized

Last month, I had an opportunity to visit with someone at Grow NYC (who runs Greenmarket), who shared this report with me (funded by the Doris Duke Charitable Foundation):  “Farmers on the Edge:  An Assessment of Greenmarket Farmers’ Needs, and the Growing Challenges of Keeping Their Farms Viable.”  I finally had an opportunity to review the report in detail.  It …

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Farmers’ Markets in the Tri-State Area

Rincker LawUncategorized

Though I love all types of agriculture production and sales, I have always been a fan of farmers’ markets.  Perhaps its because I grew up helping my grandparents shuck fresh corn-on-the-cob, pick pumpkin blossoms, and sell cherry tomatoes to neighbors, but have always felt that farmers’ markets are a great way for the American consumer to reconnect with the amazing …

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