Upcoming Ag Labor Law Presentation in Baltimore, Maryland

Rincker LawFood & Ag Law

farm workers at work

I am on the planning committee for the 2014 American Agriculture Law Association (“AALA”) Northeast Regional and helping organize the ag labor presentation from 11am to 12pm on June 6, 2014 at the University of Maryland, School of Law.

Attorneys Karen Eichman from Kennett Square, PA and Arthur Read from the Friends of Farmworkers, Inc. in Philadelphia will give an overview of a myriad of ag labor issues from both the employer and employee side:

  • Fair Labor Standards Act, including training wage, minimum wage, and overtime
  • Classification of Employee vs. Independent Contractor
  • Volunteer labor (e.g., interns, apprenticeships, worker-shares with CSA, community volunteers)
  • In Kind Compensation (e.g., housing and food)
  • Child labor laws
  • State agriculture labor laws (e.g., PA Seasonable Labor Act)
  • Record-keeping
  • Occupational Safety and Hazards Act (“OSHA”) HazComm and EPA’s Worker Protection Standard
  • Employee handbooks
  • I-9 Application

Karen and Art will also talk about other miscellaneous employment and labor law issues affecting the farm or agri-business.  Make sure to register for the conference– it should be a great day!

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