Upcoming Animal Welfare Law CLE with the National Agriculture Law Center

Rincker LawAnimal Law, Food & Ag Law, Webinars

For those of you who won’t be attending the live webinar on renewable energy law for the agriculture industry on October 10 at 1pm ET, the National Agricultural Law Center and the American Agricultural Law Association will co-sponsor a webinar titled, Enforcing Animal Welfare Laws: Whose Job Is It Anyway? The program will address the authority of private citizens to enforce animal welfare laws at homes, farms, and businesses.

Nationally, the authority ranges from the power to arrest to the ability to seize and destroy private property. In some cases, it includes the right to carry a firearm– even, in one state, as a convicted felon– while engaging in law enforcement activities.  The presenter will be Elizabeth Rumley, Staff Attorney for the National Agricultural Law Center.

The program has been approved for 60 minutes of Continuing Legal Education credit in Arkansas, and Center staff will gladly coordinate with any attorney seeking CLE approval in other states.  If you have questions, please contact the National Agricultural Law Center at nataglaw@uark.edu.  Cost of the program is $95.   For more information, including online registration, please visit the National Agricultural Law Center website here.

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