Upcoming Lawline Presentations on New York Local Food Law

Rincker LawFood & Ag Law, Rincker Law Events, Speaking Engagements, Webinars

I enjoyed giving my presentation last week on how to start and build a food and agriculture law practice.  I will be posting the presentation on this blog in upcoming weeks.  As a reminder, here are the two coming up on local food law:

Counseling the Local Food Movement (Part I):  October 24, 2013 from 4-5pm.  I’ll be giving an overview of direct farm marketing, cottage food operations, products liability, insurance, and the Food Safety Modernization Act exemptions.  More info here. Register here.

Counseling the Local Food Movement (Part II):  November 18, 2013 from 4-5pm. I will continue to discuss local food law; specifically, I will give an overview of urban and suburban agriculture, agriculture districts, the Right-to-Farm, labor law, regulation of meat and eggs and the National Organic Program.  More info here. You can register here.

You can come hear me give the presentation live at Lawline or listen to the live-stream of the presentation.

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