What is the Biggest Legal Issue Affecting the Agriculture Industry?

Rincker LawFood & Ag Law, Food & Ag Policy, Social Media and Technology

In 140 characters or less, the following people on Twitter answered that question as follows:

1.  @PoppyDavis from Washington D.C. – “4 produce: FoodSafety regs that conflict w/ environmental regs & make farmers responsible 4 what happens in process & transit.”

2.  @nycUlla from New York City and Delhi, New York – “I would say consolidation (anti-trust).”

3.  @craig_leach from Greenwood, Missouri – “Regulations regarding CAFO’s would be one, water rights another.”

4.  @BethStuever from East Landsing, Michigan – “animal welfare issues v. animal rights issues.”

5.  @WriteNowBiz from Northwest Alabama – “personal property rights issues; including animals.”

6.  @KyFarmersMatter from Bowling Green, Kentucky – “Conflicting federal regs & state regs and all the confusion in between…many differences from state to state.”

So what do you think the biggest legal issue is that affects the agriculture industry?  Please feel free to post comments and join the conversation.

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