What Should Be Kept Within a Fire Proof or Safe Deposit Box?

Rincker LawEstate Planning Leave a Comment

Your safe deposit box should have original papers while photocopies should be kept at home.  For example, original birth certificates, marriage certificates, death certificates, divorce decrees, deeds, titles to automobiles, citizenship papers, adoption papers, veteran’s papers, and contracts (e.g., partnership agreements) should be kept in a fire proof box while photocopies should be kept at home.  Furthermore, I recommend keeping copies of your estate planning documents including your Last Will and Testament, Health Proxy, Power of Attorney, etc. in a safe deposit while originals should be kept at home.  Clients of Rincker Law, PLLC receive a nifty estate planning binder.   It is very important that your estate planning binder also include information regarding access to the safe-deposit box so that original copies of important documents can be quickly obtained.

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