Upcoming Agriculture Law CLE on 1031 Exchanges

Rincker LawFood & Ag Law, Webinars

iStock_000005316501XSmallAs I noted in this post, I will be moderating a Continuing Legal Education (“CLE”) webinar on May 29th at 2pm ET for the American Bar Association (“ABA”) General Practice, Solo & Small Firm Division (“GP Solo”) Agriculture Law Committee on 1031 Exchanges.  (Whew- that’s a mouthful).  Members of the American Agriculture Law Association (“AALA”) can attended at the ABA GPSolo Member price.  Registration info can be found here.

I’m really looking forward to this presentation because it’s new to me, and a lot of other agriculture lawyers. In last year’s survey to agriculture producers and agri-business owners about lawyers, 1031 exchanges made the list of topics that farmers/ranchers wish agriculture lawyers knew more about.

Faculty members include:  Max Hansen from the American Equity Exchange (Dillon, Montana), Brent Abrahm from Accruit, LLC (Denver, Colorado) and Pamela Netterville Grady from Crews Grady, PLLC (Vicksburg, Mississippi).

Would appreciate the support from fellow agriculture attorneys with this webinar.  Please plan on attending and spread the word.  For those of you who work at law schools, please encourage your students to attend. The ABA has a special rate for law students.  

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