Estate Planning Basics for Newlyweds – How to Get Prepared for the Unexpected

Cari Rincker Estate Planning Leave a Comment

It’s that time of year – the time for beautiful weddings, fun receptions, delicious cakes, special gifts, and romantic honeymoons.  While this is a joyous time for everyone, it’s also time for you and your new spouse to plan for your future – for richer or for poorer, in sickness and in health. Why Newlyweds Need to Plan Their Estates …

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Episode 52 of Ag Law Today: Farm Estate and Succession Planning with TJ Curtain

Cari Rincker Podcasts Leave a Comment

This episode is arguably one of the most important episodes that I have recorded.  Hear my brutally honest conversation with TJ Curtain about his own farm family’s on this episode with Ag Law Today  including what went right and what went wrong. Share this Article

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Do It Now: Name a Guardian for Your Minor Child(ren)

Cari Rincker Estate Planning Leave a Comment

We know it’s hard. Thinking about someone else raising your children can stop you in your tracks. It feels crushing and too horrific to consider. But you must. If you don’t, a stranger will determine who raises your children if something happens to you – your children’s guardian could be a relative you despise or even a stranger you’ve never …

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How to Resolve Deadlocks in Your LLC

Cari Rincker General Leave a Comment

Membership in a limited liability company (LLC) may come with voting rights. Member voting rights are addressed in the LLC operating agreement, which typically provides that LLC members must vote on several issues that are material to the continuance of the business. A unanimous or majority vote may be required depending upon the nature of the matter voted on. A …

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Why You Might Want to Hire Someone to Be Your Registered Agent

Cari Rincker General Leave a Comment

If your business is registered with the state, you are required to name a registered agent at the time of registration or incorporation. A registered agent is the person who receives legal and tax documents on behalf of your business. You or other people in your business can serve as the registered agent, but doing so raises a few potential …

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What Happens When Your Disabled Child Turns 18 and What You Need to Do Beforehand

Rincker Law Estate Planning 3 Comments

When your child is under the age of 18, you, as their parent, can make most, if not all decisions, on their behalf. However, when your child turns 18, the law views them as an adult, and you no longer have the ability to control what and how decisions are made, or even receive relevant information about those decisions. For …

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How to Conduct an Effective Employee Performance Review

Cari Rincker General Leave a Comment

Employee performance reviews can be stressful for workers and managers alike. Now more than ever, with workers quitting their jobs in droves as part of the “The Great Resignation,” managers may be hesitant to provide direct, constructive criticism that could be perceived as overly harsh. Employees, in fact, widely agree that most performance reviews do more harm than good. This …

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What Is a Business Grant and How Do I Obtain One?

Cari Rincker General 1 Comment

A business grant is a form of financial assistance given to a company by a government agency or private organization for a specific purpose. Grants, unlike loans, do not need to be paid back. Despite this benefit, finding a grant that your business qualifies for and submitting a complete application can be challenging. However, if your business could benefit from …

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10 Tips on How to Prepare for a Zoom Divorce Settlement Conference

Cari Rincker Family/Matrimonial Law, Mediation, Online Mediation 1 Comment

Zoom meetings have become the norm when it comes to divorce settlement conferences. The pandemic has changed the way business is handled. Some people are familiar with Zoom and have used it in the past, however, for a lot of people, it is new to them. Tips for How to Prepare for Your Zoom Divorce Settlement Conference 1) Plan in …

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Does Your Estate Plan Protect Your Adult Beneficiaries?

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If you think you only need to create discretionary lifetime trusts for young, troubled, or financially inexperienced beneficiaries, then think again. In this day and age of frivolous lawsuits and high divorce rates, discretionary lifetime trusts should be considered for all of your beneficiaries, minors and adults alike. What Is a Discretionary Lifetime Trust? A discretionary lifetime trust is a …

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Lifetime QTIP Trusts – The Gift That Keeps Giving

Cari Rincker Estate Planning Leave a Comment

Estate planning for married couples can be tricky when one spouse is significantly wealthier than the other, and each spouse wants different beneficiaries to ultimately inherit their estate. One solution to this problem is the Lifetime QTIP Trust. What is a Lifetime QTIP Trust? One traditional estate planning model for married couples makes use of the “AB Trust” strategy.  After …

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