A Champaign Divorce Mediator Explains What a Global Settlement in Divorce Means

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Divorce is a stressful situation for everyone involved. Emotions run high, and many times the main emotion being experienced is anger. This can lead to divorce negotiations becoming extensive and expensive. When the disagreements become so intense that the divorce cannot move forward, both sides of the party lose. Therefore, anyone going through a divorce may want to seek the …

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Caution: Creditors Are a Threat to Inherited Retirement Accounts

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Do you have an individual retirement account or other type of retirement account that you plan to leave to your loved ones? If so, proceed with caution. Inherited retirement accounts do not have asset protection when they pass to your loved ones, meaning creditors can seize the money in the accounts to satisfy any claims against your beneficiaries. How Can …

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A Champaign Divorce Mediation Attorney Shares 3 Reasons Why Divorcing Couples Should Mediate

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When a couple decides to separate, it brings up painful, and often conflicting, emotions. This isn’t shocking because divorce tends to be an acrimonious process. Unfortunately, going to court to settle the divorce frequently makes the situation worse. With court hearings, an in-depth discovery process, and perhaps even an expensive and risky trial, letting a judge preside over your divorce …

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Episode 43 of Ag Law Today: Processing Laws

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I loved this conversation with Beth Rumley on this episode of Ag Law Today speaking about all things slaughter and processing laws.  The National Agriculture Law Center is such a wealth of information.  Beth is a brilliant writer and speaker.  The agriculture community is lucky to have her. Share this Article

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Myths and Frequently Asked Questions Estate Planning for Senior Citizens

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Myth #1: If I need help paying my bills, I can just add my child to my bank account. Nothing bad will happen. False. When you add a child or anyone else to your bank account, you are making that person a co-owner of the account. Your child can pay bills using the money in your bank account, but your …

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Ag Law Today: Episode 42 on Equine Law (Equine Liability Laws)

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Really enjoyed this podcast on Ag Law Today with Julie Fershman on equine liability.  Julie is a brilliant equine lawyer and you can find more about her here. Share this Article

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How Your Financial and Estate Planning Team Has Your Back

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Comprehensive estate and financial plans are not just for the wealthy. Anyone who cares for a person or cause and who wants to provide for the person or cause after they die can benefit from such plans. Along with comprehensive estate and financial plans comes a team to help you create, manage, and support those plans. This team includes your …

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A Champaign Divorce Mediator Explains How Mediation Can Help Resolve Difficult Issues

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Divorce can be a very complicated proceeding. Both parties can be very emotional about the entire process, and this can slow things down. When both sides are furious, the process can drag on for months because agreements cannot be made on the divorce’s important issues. Sometimes it takes a third party to get things moving and help the divorce move …

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Reviewing Your Account and Property upon the Death of a Loved One

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How your accounts are owned makes a big difference in estate planning. The main objective is usually to ensure that no accounts and property are in only your name when you die. Otherwise, they will be subject to probate, a costly, public, and time-consuming court process that many people prefer to avoid. Therefore, it is important that you review your …

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Myths and Frequently Asked Questions Multigenerational Planning: Important Conversations to Have about Money

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Myth 1: My estate plan is just for me, so I do not need to tell anyone anything about it.  False. While how much you divulge is up to you, being open and honest with your loved ones can help alleviate misunderstandings that could arise after your passing. Sharing this information is especially helpful in three instances: You have chosen …

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Estate Planning: Answering Common Questions of Senior Citizens

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According to a study conducted by Caring.com, the percentage of people aged fifty-five and older who have created a will has fallen from 60 percent to 44 percent since 2019.[1] Although creating or updating your estate planning may seem like a daunting task, a proper estate plan can help address the concerns you may face as a senior citizen. We …

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Five Reasons to Protect Your Retirement Accounts Now

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Your retirement account provides asset protection during your lifetime, but as soon as you pass that account to a loved one, that protection evaporates. When your spouse, child, or other loved one inherits your retirement account, creditors have the power to seize it and use the funds to satisfy their claims. This means one lawsuit and POOF!—your life-long, hard-earned savings …

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