Estate Planning For the Newly Married

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Now is the perfect time to start working on an estate plan—because, as newlyweds, you may not have a list of your accounts, but you’ve effectively just done a working inventory of your possessions—as you’ve figured out how to consolidate two households into one. You’ve already been working on the new banking and shared responsibility of bills and taxes and …

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Can Your Business Survive the Loss of a Key Person?

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You’ve likely protected your business with general liability coverage, property insurance, commercial automobile coverage, and workers’ compensation insurance. But for some businesses, operations would come to a grinding halt without certain essential contributors—key persons as we call them. If your business includes any key persons, key-person insurance should be a part of your business insurance planning. What is a key …

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The Top 2 Ways the Court Gets Involved in Your Estate, and How to Avoid Them

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No one wants unnecessary court involvement in their life. But without careful and proactive estate planning, chances are that some aspect of your estate will end up being decided there. Here are two of the most common ways court proceedings can make their way into the management and distribution of your assets, along with the estate planning measures you can …

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Does the “Corporate Veil” Really Protect Your Personal Assets?

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You may have done your homework and weighed your options. Perhaps you’ve even considered the tax and non-tax implications for common business entities.  We bet you’re also intrigued by the protections certain business entities afford their owners. The “corporate veil” that protects personal assets of the business owners can make a corporation or limited liability company (LLC) look very attractive. …

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Tips for Working with an Estate Planning Law Firm: Get the Most Out of Your Work with Your Lawyer

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When you hire an attorney for estate planning, help with a loved one’s estate, or any other legal matter you want to make sure that the work gets done as quickly as possible and at the best possible value.  Here are some tips to have the most useful and value-oriented law firm experience. Get to know the lawyer and the …

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Episode 4 of Ag Law Today: Last Will and Testaments

Rincker Law Estate Planning, Food & Ag Law, Podcasts Leave a Comment

Hear me discuss all things Last Will and Testaments on this week’s Ag Law Today along with Deborah Kaminetzky, who has been a mentor of mine since the infancy of my law practice (you have her to thank for my matrimonial part of my law practice).  Listen as Deborah bestows her wisdom to us. Share this Article

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Estate Planning Isn’t Spooky! But Not Planning can be Downright Terrifying

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The idea of implementing an estate plan might be one of the scariest things you have to confront as an adult. But estate planning does not have to make chills run down your spine. On the contrary, estate planning is empowering for both you and your family and allows you to live confidently knowing that things will be taken care …

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5 Key Benefits of a Well-Written Job Description

Rincker Law Business/Commercial Law, Employment Law Leave a Comment

Although the main purpose of a job description is to, well, describe a job – it actually serves a much bigger role.  In fact, a job description can improve a company’s ability to manage employees in many ways. A well-written job description will do the following: Clarify expectations. Employers need to spell out their expectations of what an employee should …

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Ask Cari: If I Don’t Have an Estate, Do I Really Need an Estate Plan?

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You don’t need to have a summer house in the Hamptons or a private art collection big enough to rival MOMA to consider yourself the owner of an estate. In fact, virtually anyone who owns anything has an “estate” in the eyes of the law. Although the term may conjure images of expansive country properties, expensive cars, or other symbols …

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What To Do After a Loved One Dies

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If you’ve been appointed an executor of a loved one’s estate, or a successor trustee, and that person dies, your grief – not to mention your to-do list, including tasks ranging from planning the funeral, coordinating relatives coming in from out of town and (eventually) meeting with a trust administration or probate lawyer – can be quite overwhelming. First and …

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Episode #3 of Ag Law Today: Agriculture Mediation Programs

Rincker Law Ag Law Today, Ask Cari, Podcasts Leave a Comment

Episode #3 of Ag Law today is now live!  I’m talking all things agriculture mediation with Missy Greathouse of the Illinois Agriculture Mediation Program.  You can listen to the podcast here. I’m a member of agriculture mediation roster for  New York, New Jersey and Illinois.  I’m a big believer in mediation (in general) as a dispute resolution mechanism. If you …

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Illinois Family Law: Can I Limit Visitation for a Parent

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Generally, a non-custodial parent is entitled to reasonable visitation. 750 ILCS 5/607. However, if a court finds that the parent “seriously endangered the child’s mental, mortal, or physical health or…significantly impaired the child’s emotional development, the court shall enter orders as necessary to protect the child.” 750 ILCS 5/603.10.  Actions that limit, restrain, or confine visitation include the following: a requirement ofsupervised visitation; …

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