Part III: Debrief from NYFB Farm Animal Welfare Conference

Rincker LawAg-vocacy, Conferences and Meetings, Food & Ag Law, Food & Ag Organizations

At the recent New York Farm Bureau (“NYFB”) Farm Animal Welfare Conference, Kay Johnson Smith from the Animal Agriculture Alliance was one of the keynote speakers.  I was extremely impressed by her poise and presence.  I love seeing such powerful, articulate women in the forefront of agriculture issues in Washington. The underlying theme of Ms. Smith’s talk was that those …

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Reminder: New York Farm Bureau’s Animal Welfare Conference this Thursday

Rincker LawAg-vocacy, Conferences and Meetings, Food & Ag Organizations

I wanted to remind all my blog readers about New York Farm Bureau‘s animal welfare conference this Thursday, October 15th, at the Clarion Hotel in Albany, New York.  A myriad of livestock animal welfare issues will be discussed.  I will be a panelist for the day speaking about livestock animal cruelty laws in New York with Richard McNally, a former …

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Bryan Walsh Speaks Out On His Article in TIME Magazine

Rincker LawAg-vocacy, Food & Ag Organizations, Food & Ag Pubs

Over the last week the ag community has been in uproar over Bryan Walsh’s TIME Magazine’s cover story “Getting Real About the High Cost of Cheap Food.”  Many agriculture organizations have been vocal about their disappointment of Walsh’s article including the National Cattlemen’s Beef Association (“NCBA”) (a radio interview on AgriTalk with Daren Williams from NCBA can be found here) …

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Will Be Attending New York State Fair

Rincker LawAg-vocacy

This has been a tough week for agriculture in the mainstream media.  Not only did this TIME cover story “The Real Cost of Cheap Food” written by Bryan Walsh hit the newsstands but Nicholas Kristof published this editorial article in the New York Times where he argues that the family farm is dead and modern agriculture has taken the “soul” …

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Dairy Producers’ Blogs to Follow

Rincker LawAg-vocacy, Social Media and Technology

Even though I grew-up on a beef cattle farm in Central Illinois, I have always had a strong appreciation for the dairy industry.  I am excited to be back in the Northeast again where the dairy industry is extremely prominent.  New York, for example, is ranked third in the United States for dairy production and the industry contributes more than …

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Rincker Law is now on Twitter

Rincker LawAg-vocacy, Food & Ag Organizations, Food & Ag Pubs, Social Media and Technology

Rincker Law has entered Twitterland!  You can follow @RinckerLaw here.  Twitter is newly popular form of micro-blogging and is different than traditional blogs because users are restricted to 140 characters (similar to a text message).  Twitter is a very different than facebook and is a great way to get a condensed version of news and participate in discussions with those …

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NCBA’s Master’s in Beef Advocacy Program

Rincker LawAg-vocacy, Food & Ag Organizations

Today I completed the Master’s of Beef Advocacy (“MBA”) Program from the National Cattlemen’s Beef Association (“NCBA”) funded by Beef Checkoff Dollars. I heard about the program through my activity in NCBA’s Young Producer’s Council (“YPC”). This blog isn’t necessarily about law or policy, but it is about advocacy. As we all know, the livestock industry is currently under attack …

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