When a loved one passes away, their estate often goes through a legal process called probate. Understanding probate in Illinois is crucial for beneficiaries, executors, and estate administrators to ensure a smooth transfer of assets while avoiding unnecessary delays and costs. This guide will break down the Illinois probate process, key legal requirements, and strategies to simplify estate administration while …
Understanding Land Trusts: Title-Holding Land Trusts
What is a land trust? The use of the phrase “land trust” can often lead to confusion, as it relates to a few completely distinct concepts. On the one hand, a land trust may refer to an estate planning tool wherein title to the land is held by a trustee at the owner’s request. On the other hand, a land …
Considerations for Forming a Limited Liability Company for Real Estate
For individuals who own real estate, it is important to consider the best way to structure your ownership. When you are just starting out as an investor in real estate, you may hold title to the real estate personally, but that may not be the most advantageous method of ownership. Another option is to create a limited liability company (LLC) …
Ask Cari: What Provisions Should Small Businesses Include in Commercial Leases?
Are you considering leasing office or retail space for your small business? The terms of your lease can have a huge impact on whether your business succeeds or fails. There are several important provisions that should be considered before you sign on the dotted line. Leases of a certain duration (usually one to three years, depending upon the state) are …
Illinois Property Law: A Word on Partition Proceedings
In a partition lawsuit, all of the parties who have an interest must be sued. See 735 ILCS 5/17-103. The suit must be filed in the county where the property is located. See 735 ILCS 5/17-101. When jurisdiction over everyone is established, the judge appoints a commissioner to investigate the property. See 735 ILCS 5/17-106. For things like farm land, …
New York Fence Law
In New York, property owners grazing livestock are required to erect, maintain and repair the fenceline. Under New York Town Law § 300, each owner of two adjoining tracts of land is required to erect and maintain a fence to keep his/her grazing animals separate, unless they agree (in writing) to let their lands lie open to allow the animals to …
Overview of the U.S. Forest Service & Livestock Grazing Permits
I thought it would be helpful to educate my readers on the government agencies that affect the food and agriculture system in the United States. I will be going through the various agencies one by one. So please stay tuned! The U.S. Forest Service (“FS”) is a sub-agency of the U.S. Department of Agriculture (“USDA”) and overseen by the Under …
Ask Cari: Is Rental Income from a Farm Lease Self-Employment Taxable for Social Security Purposes?
I was recently posed this question from a farmer close to retirement concerned about social security. He has been farming his whole life and would like to shift into a landlord role. In way of background, you must have a certain number of credits under the social security system before receiving social security based eligible quarters. A farmer may have …
Land Use Tools for Promoting Urban & Suburban Agriculture
According to Dean Patricia Salkin in American Bar Association’s “Counseling the Local Food Movement” (May 2012), the following zoning tools can be used to promote small-scale agriculture production within city limits: Comprehensive Plans. This is the over-arching plan upon which land use regulations are adopted. It is important that the comprehensive plan itself emphasize the importance of small-scale commercial agriculture …
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