Ask Cari: How to Protect Your Business from a Data Breach

Cari RinckerBusiness Law, Business/Commercial Law, Social Media and Technology, Technology Law

The risk of suffering a data breach has never been higher. Small businesses are three times more likely than larger businesses to be targeted by cybercriminals.[1] The costs of a cyberattack, both in terms of financial and reputational damage, can be devastating to small businesses. Although many business owners are aware of the risks of a cyberattack, they have not …

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The What, Where, and How of Collecting Personal Information in Your Website’s Privacy Policy

Rincker LawTechnology Law

Ensuring that your website has an effective privacy policy includes providing users with detailed information regarding: (1) what information will be collected, (2) how the information will be collected, (3) where the collected information will be stored, and (4) how the information will be protected. What Information is Collected The type of information collected by a website will differ based …

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Important Information to Include in Your Website’s Privacy Policy

Rincker LawTechnology Law

A Privacy Policy is important to every website regardless of the purpose of the website.  It creates transparency on the part of the website about the information they collect which in return provides trust on the part of the users of the website.  In order to create a competent Privacy Policy, the website owners should be sure to include (1) …

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Terms of Use on Your Website

Rincker LawTechnology Law

Most often when anyone thinks about designing a website, it is generally all about the physical appearance and make it user friendly. However, a very important aspect that is often not thought about is providing information about the terms of use of that website. The terms of use or terms and conditions of a website provide visitors with the rules …

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Why Your Website Needs a Privacy Policy Statement

Rincker LawTechnology Law

When you visit a website you expect that any information you provide, whether it be your email address, your physical address, or credit card details, to be safely guarded by that website.  When visiting a website you also provide information automatically, such as an IP address.  A privacy policy is used to provide visitors a confirmation that all of their …

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