Hear Cari Rincker Talk Biz on the Central Illinois Business Leaders Podcast

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I really enjoyed joining Derek Hayden and Garrett Ulmer with the Central Illinois Business Leaders Podcast, available here.  I give some behind the scenes looks at Rincker Law and my life as a manager of this law practice (both before I had baby and afterwards).

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Ask Cari: What Do I Need To Know About Hiring “Virtual” Workers for Your Small Business?

Rincker LawUncategorized

As a small business owner, you may be considering using virtual workers to expand your workforce. A virtual worker is an employee who uses technology to complete their duties outside of the traditional workplace setting. Many businesses today find this workforce model quite attractive for several reasons. For one, having a virtual business work model allows employers to reduce the …

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Family Law Issues in Agriculture: Spousal Maintenance

Rincker LawFamily/Matrimonial Law, Uncategorized

Spousal maintenance in some states is formulaic, while others rely on case law. In either scenario, there needs to be a determination of income (not assets). For most involved in farming and ranching or other kinds of agri-business, determining income is anything but straightforward. Typically, a spouse is required to pay for his/her health insurance after the divorce, but if …

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Commercial Space: Should You Lease or Buy?

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The location of your small business is an important factor in whether it succeeds or fails. Accessibility to customers, vendors, and employees, proximity to competitors, and zoning restrictions are just a few of the factors you have likely considered. Once you have determined the best location for your business, the next question is whether to lease or buy your commercial …

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Making an S Corporation Election as a Married Business Owner

Rincker LawUncategorized

If you’re a married business owner and you want your business to be taxed as an S corporation, there are several things you need to know. The difference between community property and co-ownership of an asset Let’s take the example of owning a car. If you and your spouse are both on the title to a car, you co-own the …

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New York Family Law: What is the Cost of Living Adjustment?

Rincker LawFamily/Matrimonial Law, Uncategorized

Cost of Living Adjustment (“COLA”) refers to when child support is increased based on the annual cost of living. If the cost of living, pursuant to the Consumers Price Index for all urban consumers (CPI-U), as published annually by the United States Department of Labor Statistics, increases by at least 10% then an adjustment may be made. It is important …

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Meet Kat Bork

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Accuracy is important to Rincker Law, PLLC so we have recently added Kat Bork to our team concentrating on proofreading and editing.  She will be working from our Illinois office on a part-time basis. Kat earned her Juris Doctorate from the University of Illinois College of Law and is licensed to practice law in Illinois. During law school, she was …

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Bar Licensed in the Great State of Texas

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As some of you know, Texas is near and dear to my heart. I spent 2 years in College Station attending Texas A & M University and I worked for a Texas Congressman after I graduated.  it’s long overdue, but I am officially a licensed attorney in the great state of Texas!  And for those of you who are counting… …

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Vice President of BNI Chapter

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Happy New Year!  I’m severely delayed in announcing this but for the last year I have been serving as the Vice-President of my Business Networking International (BNI) Chapter in Manhattan.  I’m in BNI Chapter 29. From time-to-time, I get questions from lawyers on how to build their law practice.  I highly recommend joining a BNI chapter near you (if one …

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Outline on Non-Disclosure Agreements for Food & Agriculture Operations

Rincker LawUncategorized

This outline is a teaser for my upcoming Lawline Presentation “Protecting the Food & Agribusiness:  Managing Contracts, Managing Trademarks and Non-Disclosure Agreements.”  The extensive outline discusses Non-Disclosure Agreements (“NDA’s) – the types, its anatomy and applicability in the food and agriculture industry.  Oftentimes, food and agriculture businesses overlook the importance of NDAs.

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Designating an Agent for Funeral Arrangements

Rincker LawEstate Planning, Uncategorized

During estate planning many documents are prepared in order to designate an agent or agents in the event that you are not of sound mind and body and unable to make decisions on your own, such as a health care proxy, a living will, and a power of attorney. Additionally, New York State Public Health Law § 4201 allows a …

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