“Fridays with Cari” Webinar Series Kicks Off Today

Rincker LawBusiness/Commercial Law, Family/Matrimonial Law, Food & Ag Law, Intellectual Property, Rincker Law Events, Social Media and Technology, Trademarks, Webinars

I’m excited for my new webinar series titled “Fridays with Cari.”  I will be discussing a variety of agriculture issues with my Friday webinar series ranging from livestock animal cruelty law to estate planning.  I believe that legal information should be affordable for everyone in the food and agriculture industry and I hope that my webinars will be educational to my attendees.

All of the webinars are on Fridays at 2pm ET.  I’m planning on doing the following webinars this fall/winter and would appreciate if my readers would share this information to those that may be interested:

1.  Overview of New York Livestock Animal Cruelty Law:  Today I will give an overview of livestock animal cruelty law in New York and discuss the law of search and seizure of livestock.

2.  Twitter 101:  Tweeting for the Food and Agriculture Industry:  Are you new to Twitter or thinking about joining?  Next Friday I will give the Twitter ABC’s and discussing everything from setting up a profile, using hashtags, and third party applications such as Tweetdeck and HootSuite.

3.  Embryo Transfer Contracts for the Livestock Industry:  On November 18th, I will be giving an overview of contracts dealing with embryo transfers in the horse and livestock industry.

4.  Pre-Nuptial and Post-Nuptial Agreements for the Agriculture Community:  Whether you are already married or recently engaged, on December 2nd I will give an overview on why farm/ranch families should think about whether pre- or post- nuptial agreements are for them.

5.  Overview of Estate and Succession Planning for the Agriculture Community:  This is a topic that I am extremely passionate about and hope many of my readers will sign up for this particular webinar.  On December 16th (entering the holiday season), I will give an overview on estate and succession planning for the ag community.

6.  New Year, New Resolution – Putting Livestock Sales Contracts in Writing:  I’m going discuss livestock sales contracts to bring in the New Year on January 6th.  I will give an overview of contract law and list suggested provisions that may be included in the livestock sales contract.

7.  New Year, New Resolution – General Partnership Agreements for the Food & Agriculture Community:   A general partnership is formed with more than one person enters an agreement to go into business together and share profits.  But what does that “agreement” entail?  The food and agriculture industry should think about putting general partnership agreements in writing.  On January 13th, I will give an overview of partnership law and suggest language that should be included in the general partnership agreement.

8.  New Year, New Resolution – Legal Issues Pertaining to NY Start-Up Businesses:  Are you considering starting a business in New York?  On January 27th, I will give an overview of legal issues that New York start-up businesses should consider including trademark law, business organizations, and business plans.

9.  Legal Issues Pertaining to Livestock Photographers:  Livestock photography law?  Huh?  Yes, that’s right.  On February 10th, I will discuss applicable laws including business formations, trademark law, and copyright law.

10.  Getting Divorced in New York:  An Overview of the Process:  Are you considering getting divorced in New York State?  I will discuss court procedures, stages in litigation, grounds for divorce including “no fault” divorce, separation agreements, child support, temporary/durational spousal maintenance, forensic accounting, and Alternative Dispute Resolution (e.g., mediation and collaborative divorce).

You can register for the webinar by visiting the Events Page.  I have received several emails inquiring whether the webinars will be recorded and sold at a later date.  Right now, I am planning on rerunning the webinars at a later date so if you miss the first one you can attend it in the future.  However, I am considering recording the webinars so please stay tuned for more details.

Participation in the webinars will be completely confidential.  I am very aware that some of the issues – particularly the webinars dealing with pre/post-nuptial agreements and divorce- are extremely sensitive topics.  Your identity will not be disclosed to the other participants.

It is important to note that the webinars are for informational purposes only and are not designed to give legal advice.  There will be no attorney-client privilege for questions asked during the webinar.  If you specific legal questions that need addressed, you are encouraged to speak directly to an attorney licensed in your jurisdiction.

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