Harvard’s Food Law & Policy Career Guide

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Big thanks to Jean Terranova (@JeanTerranova for you Twitter folks) for sending me the Food Law and Policy Career Guide by the Harvard Food Law & Policy Clinic and Harvard Food Law Society.  I think it’s an excellent resource for folks interested in a career in food & agriculture law.

The guide briefly notes areas of concentration including agriculture, biotechnology/GMOs, disaster relief, education, environment/sustainability, finance, food advertising, food labeling, food safety, food systems, food security, international food law and trade, labor, nutrition, food policy, public health, school food, and urban issues.  The guide is chalk-full of contact information for food and agriculture organizations, universities, government agencies, United Nations agencies and other international groups, and research institutes.  At the end of the guide, there is also a list of several help food listservs that may strike your interest.

The next Fridays with Cari Skype convo for folks interested in an agriculture law practice will be on September 7, 2012 at 2pm ET.  If you are interested, please email me at cari@rinckerlaw.com.

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