The photograph was taken by Len Irish at Hudson Pines Farm in Sleepy Hollow, New York. It is a beautiful farm near the Stone Barn Food & Agriculture Center.
I have been appointed the new chair of the American Bar Association (“ABA”) General Practice, Solo & Small Firm Division‘s Agriculture Law Committee (whew that’s a mouthful- say that three times really fast). The Committee has been fairly inactive over the last few years but I hope to change that.
If you are a food/agriculture attorney or law student, please join the Committee and the listserve. I’m also looking for motivated individuals who are interested in volunteering on the leadership team and/or editing the Committee newsletter. I hope that the Committee can plan several helpful CLE webinars over the next year giving practitioners necessary skills to serve every segment of the food, fiber and biofuel industries.
The Committee will meet at the American Agriculture Law Association (“AALA”) Annual Symposium in Austin, Texas on Saturday, October 22. If you are interested in attending the Committee meeting in Austin or getting involved, please email me at cari@rinckerlaw.com.
I also created a group on LinkedIn for the Committee (closed to members only). There is currently a discussion thread regarding the restructuring of sub-committees.
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