Overview of Laws Regulating Antibiotics in Livestock & Policy Positions of Stakeholder Groups

Rincker LawFood & Ag Law, Speaking Engagements

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Last week, I gave this presentation for the Association of the Bar for the City of New York‘s Committee on Animal Law and the Health Law Committee.  I gave a few definitions (antibiotics, antimicrobials, vaccines, hormones, feed additives, residue vs. resistance), gave an overview of the regulatory system governing antibiotics used in livestock, spoke about food labeling law with antibiotics (e.g., USDA Process Verified “no antibiotics used”) and gave the policy positions of agriculture stakeholder groups (e.g., National Cattlemen’s Beef Association, Pork Producers Council, National Turkey Federation, American Farm Bureau Federation) and the Food & Agriculture Organization of the United Nations.  You can view my more detailed outline with citations on my JD Supra page here.

Other presenters included U.S. Congresswomen Louise M. Slaughter (D-NY), Keeve E. Nachma, PhD the Director of Food Production and Health from John Hopkins University and Margaret Brown, Esq. a staff attorney at the Natural Resources Defense Council (“NRDC”).

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