Lawline Lecture: Overview of New York Farm Animal Welfare Law

Rincker LawAnimal Law, Food & Ag Law

Brrrr… There is a blizzard here in New York City right now so I’m blogging away!  I will be Tweeting (@CariRincker) and Snapping (CariRincker) about the NYC snowstorm once I venture outside!  Stay warm… hot chocolate time! 

Here is the video for the Lawline presentation that I gave in December regarding livestock animal welfare law in New York.  I first give an overview of the breadth of animal cruelty law and the role of non-police organizations from the national perspective and then delve into New York farm animal law.  You can obtain a Continuing Legal Education (“CLE”) via Lawline by registering here.  The handout for the lecture is here.  And the powerpoint is below!

[slideshare id=54402736&doc=farmanimalcrueltylawinnewyork-151026204801-lva1-app6891]

Lawline changes the slides while I speak so it’s easier to follow.  If that interests you, I suggest getting the recording directly from Lawline.  They have a great library of recordings (many from yours truly!).  My next Lawline lecture will be on agriculture contacts and you can register for the live webcast (where you can ask me questions!) here.

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