Save the Date: Local Food Law Seminar at Pace Law School on October 29th

Rincker LawEducational Events, Food & Ag Law, Seminars, Speaking Engagements

I’m excited to announce that I will be a faculty member for a Continuing Legal Education (“CLE”) seminar at Pace University, School of Law (my alum) on Monday October 29th, 2012 from 6:00 to 8:30pm titled “Survey of Local Food.”  Just as the title indicates, the speakers will be presenting on a myriad of practice areas affecting the local food movement including:

(1) Direct marketing (including farmers markets and Community Supported Agriculture (“CSAs”));

(2)  Food labeling (including the National Organic Program);

(3)  Environmental regulations (primarily with Concentrated Animal Feeding Operations and Animal Feeding Operations);

(4) Slaughter regulations (including Article 5-A poultry slaughterhouses);

(5)  Product liability;

(6)  Food Safety Modernization Act (“FSMA”) exemptions;

(7)  Raw milk;

(8)  Insurance;

(9)   Urban (and suburban) agriculture;

(10)  Land use and zoning;

(11)  Right to farm; and,

(12)  Cottage food operation laws.

The presenters will also give an overview of the local food movement, its relevance in today’s food economy, and resources in the region. They will also briefly discuss policy updates, general business law, employment/labor law, succession planning and landlord-tenant issues that may affect the local food industry.

I will be on the panel with Jason Foscolo, a food lawyer based in Suffolk County and Judith LaBelle from Glynwood.  The prices for registration will be as follows:

Pace Law School Alumni- $100

Non-Alumni- $125

Government Lawyers – $50

General Public (non attorneys) – $15

Pace Law School Students – Free

More information on registration to follow.. so stay tuned!

If you haven’t done so already, I recommend purchasing the recorded version of the Local Food CLE with the American Bar Association.  This live panel will be different — we are giving an overview on a wider variety of legal topics.  However, I think that the recorded CLE is worth the purchase if you are thinking about practicing in this area.  Don’t worry – I don’t get a penny of the proceeds (a girl can dream).

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