Some NY Ag Liens You Might Not Have Thought About…

Rincker LawFood & Ag Law

Did you know that New York has the following liens that may affect the food and agriculture industry? Railway Corporation Lien on Transported Animals for a railway corporation incurring expenses in caring for transported animals under N.Y. Agric. & Mkts § 359. Artisan’s Lien for a person who makes, repairs or performs work for an article of personal property under …

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NY Lien Law: New York State Milk and Agricultural Products Security Trust Funds

Rincker LawFood & Ag Law

Although most NY statutory liens are under the NY Lien law, the New York State Commissioner of Agriculture and Markets has a lien interest under Section 25-b of NY Agriculture and Markets Law against licensed milk dealers.  This interest arises from the Commissioners role in administering the Milk Producers Security Fund.  Milk dealers may, however, provide an alternate form of …

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NY Ag Liens: Lien on Stray Animals

Rincker LawAnimal Law, Food & Ag Law

Under NY Town Law § 310, if a person has any strayed horses, cattle, sheep, swine, goats or other livestock animal upon their property which is not adjoined to the livestock owner’s property (in other words, not your immediate neighbor), then that person may have a lien claim against the stray animals.  The livestock must have caused property damage and …

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