My Presentation on Embryo Transfer Contracts for Cattle

Rincker Law Food & Ag Law, Speaking Engagements Leave a Comment

Howdy from the Lone Star State!  I’m speaking today on Embryo Transfer Contracts at the Texas Bar CLE Agriculture Law Conference at Texas Tech University, School of Law.  Please find my below presentation and follow along with the outline here.  In my presentation, I give a general background on embryo transfer in the cattle industry (although used in other species …

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Speaking at Texas Bar CLE Agriculture Law Conference on Embryo Transfer Contracts

Rincker Law Food & Ag Law Leave a Comment

I’m pretty excited to be present at the Texas Bar CLE’s 7th Annual John Hauffaker Agriculture Law Course on Thursday, May 23, 2013 at Texas Tech University, School of Law on Embryo Transfer Contracts.  It’s part of a two-day legal conference and you can view the entire schedule here.  You can find my outline here.

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Pace Law School’s Environmental Law Summer Program with Food and Agriculture Law

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As I noted in this post, I will be teaching Survey to Food and Agriculture Law this summer from July 1-5, 2013 at Pace University, School of Law. I wanted to give my readers information on the entire environmental law program.  After looking at the entire course schedule, I’m in aw of the great job that my alum has done. …

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On-Farm Poultry Slaughter Guide for the New York Farmer

Rincker Law Food & Ag Law 1 Comment

I want to commend the Cornell Small Farms Program for its publication titled “On-Farm Poultry Slaughter Guidelines” (available on its resources page).  I reviewed the guide in its entirety in preparation for the local food CLE that was scheduled at Pace Law School in October (rescheduled for March 13th due to Hurricane Sandy).  I recommend the guide to any farmer …

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My Presentation on Livestock Animal Welfare Law

Rincker Law Animal Law, Conferences and Meetings, Food & Ag Law, Food & Ag Organizations, Speaking Engagements, Uncategorized Leave a Comment

Last May, I spoke at the Animal Agriculture Alliance (“AAA”) Stakeholder’s Summit on livestock animal welfare law.  If you follow this blog then you know this topic is a passion of mine.  You can view my presentation below. [slideshare id=13344363&doc=whenactivistscomecalling-120615170954-phpapp01] In case you missed it, here are a few other posts that may be of interest: 1.  5 State Approaches …

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Debrief From Skype Conversation About Being An Agriculture Attorney

Rincker Law Food & Ag Law, Food & Ag Organizations, Food & Ag Policy, Fridays with Cari, Rincker Law Events Leave a Comment

I hope that my readers had a wonderful Fourth of July vacation and were able to spend some time in the sun.  I had a nice time running again and spending time on a few beaches on Long Island including Shelter Island and Robert Moses Beach.  Some R & R is always a good thing. Last Friday, I enjoyed a …

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For You Iowa Folks – Recommended Agriculture Law Book

Rincker Law Ag Book Club 1 Comment

I recently finished reading Pat Dillon‘s book titled “Field Manual:  Iowa Farmer’s Guide to Legal Issues.”  It’s a great book and covers all the basics ranging from contract law, crop insurance, estate planning, farm leases to bankruptcy.  Dillion is a good writer breaking down complicated legal concepts. The Kindle version is only $5.00 from Amazon.   I give the book …

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Will Be Attending the American Agriculture Law Association Annual Agriculture Law Symposium

Rincker Law Conferences and Meetings, Food & Ag Law, Food & Ag Organizations, Food & Ag Policy Leave a Comment

I will be attending the American Agriculture Law Association (“AALA”) Annual Agriculture Law Symposium on October 19-20, 2012 in Nashville, Tennessee.  I highly recommend the conference if you are a lawyer or law student hoping to build a food and agriculture law practice. Registration forms will be available later this summer.  If you are a law student, there are travel …

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I’m German. We Like Extra Letters. It’s RinckerLaw not RinkerLaw

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Poor Julie Rinker in Texas has been receiving emails to sent to – she has thankfully forwarded them my way.  Please remember that I have a “C” before the “K”.  And remember that I spell my name Cari – not Carrie. Email me at Thanks!  And have a great weekend.  I’ll be at the Yankees v. Mets game …

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5 State Approaches for Using Animal Societies to Enforce Animal Cruelty Statutes

Rincker Law Animal Law, Food & Ag Law Leave a Comment

As I have noted in this blog on several occasions, duly incorporated animal societies in the State of New York have the authority to search and seize livestock.  This article does a nice job illustrating the five state law approaches with using animal societies to enforce livestock animal cruelty laws. Ordinary Rights The majority of states have this approach.  In …

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Fixing “Broken Windows” On Your Farm: The Little Things That Make a Big Difference

Rincker Law Ag Book Club, Farm Life Leave a Comment

Last week I finished the book “Tipping Point” by Malcolm Gladwell (admittedly, while I was laying on a beach over Memorial Day weekend).  I read “Outliers” last summer and “Blink” several years go and I think Gladwell’s books make for a thought-provoking quick read.  The premise of the book is about how the “little things” can make a big difference …

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