What Do Prenups Oftentimes Discuss?

Cari RinckerFamily/Matrimonial Law

I note three key issues usually discussed in prenuptial agreements in this short video.  They are the identification of separate/ marital property, spousal maintenance and estate rights. Interested in a free 15 minute consultation on a nuptial agreement? Please contact cari@rinckerlaw.com or call (217) 531-2179.

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Illinois Prenups: What You Need to Know to Get Started

Cari RinckerFamily/Matrimonial Law

Do I need a prenup before I get married? No one gets married with the intention of getting divorced, but it is always a good idea to protect your rights and your property in the event that life does not goes as planned, regardless of your financial circumstances. Divorce is inevitably complicated, contentious, and unpredictable.  In Illinois, the law requires …

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A Champaign Prenup Attorney Explains How Mediation Can Help You Finalize Your Prenuptial Agreement

Rincker LawPrenuptial Agreements

Getting married is a major life decision that no couple enters into lightly. Demonstrating this is the fact that more couples are choosing to enter a prenuptial agreement before saying, “I do.” If you’re considering marriage, schedule a meeting with a Champaign prenup attorney to learn how this document can protect both of you and any children you may have …

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A Champaign Prenup Attorney Shares Some Situations When a Prenup is Useful

Rincker LawFamily/Matrimonial Law, Prenuptial Agreements

Having a discussion with your future spouse regarding the topic of a prenup can be a difficult one to bring up, but it is essential to protect your future as well as the future children. A Champaign prenup attorney can guide you through the process if you have questions. The best time to explore a prenup is before marriage, so …

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Champaign Prenup Attorney Explains Why a Prenup is a Good Idea

Rincker LawFamily/Matrimonial Law, Prenuptial Agreements

Are you thinking about getting married? If so, then it may be wise to broach the subject of a prenup with your intended. Too many couples make the mistake of overlooking this part of the process. This reluctance may arise from not wanting to bring up what can seem like a divisive topic. Other couples don’t consider it because they …

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Family Law Issues in Agriculture: Prenuptial Agreements

Rincker LawFamily/Matrimonial Law, Food & Ag Law

Prenuptial agreements are oftentimes viewed as taboo; instead, farmers, ranchers, agribusiness owners, and food entrepreneurs should view prenuptial agreements like an insurance policy for a marriage. Nobody gets on an airplane thinking that it is going to crash, but you still go over the safety instructions. A prenuptial agreement simply notes the safety instructions in case the marriage terminates for …

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Book Review: The Christian Prenuptial Agreement

Rincker LawFamily/Matrimonial Law

A Christian prenup. Isn’t that an oxymoron?  No, no, it’s not.  I recently read Patricia Hartman’s book “The Christian Prenuptial Agreement:  The Power of Marriage Unleashed” and she makes a solid argument why it’s not.  The author is not an attorney; instead, she is a CPA and approaches things from a financial perspective.  You can order the book on Amazon …

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