What Do Prenups Oftentimes Discuss?

Cari Rincker Family/Matrimonial Law Leave a Comment

I note three key issues usually discussed in prenuptial agreements in this short video.  They are the identification of separate/ marital property, spousal maintenance and estate rights. Interested in a free 15 minute consultation on a nuptial agreement? Please contact cari@rinckerlaw.com or call (217) 531-2179.

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Ask Cari: Is my inherited IRA included in my child support and maintenance calculations?

Cari Rincker Family/Matrimonial Law Leave a Comment

What is considered income for child support and maintenance calculations during a divorce can be very complex especially when it comes to inheritance.  The Illinois Supreme Court recently helped to uncomplicate one gray area when it held that mandatory individual retirement account (IRA) distributions and withdrawals are considered income when calculating child support and maintenance calculations In re Marriage of …

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Child Support During High Inflation

Cari Rincker Child Support, Co-Parenting, Family/Matrimonial Law Leave a Comment

In the first quarter of 2022, inflation is up over 8%, the highest since the early 1980s. With this high inflation rate, you are likely paying more for everything for your child – from gas in your car, to diapers and music lessons. Maybe you’re wondering if your child support payments can go up to match your increased costs. Unfortunately, …

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Business Ownership and Divorce: What You Need to Know

Cari Rincker Business Law, Divorce, Family/Matrimonial Law, General Leave a Comment

Divorce is rarely simple. When two people’s lives are intertwined—physically, emotionally, and legally—separating the individual strands can be a task akin to untying the Gordian knot. The longer a couple has been together and the more they share, the more difficult this task becomes. It can be even more difficult if the divorcing couple co-owns a business or one spouse …

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Illinois Prenups: What You Need to Know to Get Started

Cari Rincker Family/Matrimonial Law Leave a Comment

Do I need a prenup before I get married? No one gets married with the intention of getting divorced, but it is always a good idea to protect your rights and your property in the event that life does not goes as planned, regardless of your financial circumstances. Divorce is inevitably complicated, contentious, and unpredictable.  In Illinois, the law requires …

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Four Reasons Why Farmers Should Have Prenuptial Agreements

Cari Rincker Family/Matrimonial Law, General Leave a Comment

Hear me discuss in this short video why farmers (and those marrying them!) should have a prenuptial agreement.

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Ask Kym: How Do I Co-Parent Amidst COVID-19?

Rincker Law Family/Matrimonial Law Leave a Comment

In the past few days, we have had numerous calls on this issue.  While there is no clear law as to what rules apply to parenting time and visitation during a pandemic like COVID-19, since this is an unprecedented global health crisis, I wanted to provide some suggestions to our clients and potential clients who co-parent.  Please remember that although …

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Family Law Issues with Agriculture: Estate and Succession Planning

Rincker Law Family/Matrimonial Law, Food & Ag Law Leave a Comment

It is uncommon for agriculture producers and business owners to consider estate planning and succession planning for their agriculture operation in the midst of a divorce; however, divorcing farm families should consider this while negotiating the division of marital assets. These assets may include the farm or ranch business and its assets. After all, divorce is one of the Big …

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Happy 7th Birthday to Rincker Law!

Rincker Law Rincker Law Events, Speaking Engagements 3 Comments

Rincker Law, PLLC is 7 years old!  With each anniversary of my law practice, I like to reflect on the previous year.   Ruth has been my right hand girl for a few years now but Ravi Cattry joined the team a year ago.  It’s been great having these two ladies a part of the firm’s growth over the years. …

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