Downtown Lawyers

Rincker LawUncategorized

For the last year, I have been a member of the Downtown Lawyers group here in New York City.  It is comprised of attorneys who practice law in New York City in a myriad of practice areas including bankruptcy, estate planning, elder law, business law, personal injury, employment law, immigration, matrimonial law, tax law, landlord-tenant law, intellectual property, criminal law, …

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Approaching Wedding Season: Is a Prenuptial Agreement Prudent for Your Agriculture Business?

Rincker LawFamily/Matrimonial Law

For those of you who missed it, in this previous post last fall I discussed why I thought prenuptial (“prenups”) agreements were “romantic.”  Last night, I came across this Fact Sheet by Chris Zoller and David Marrison from The Ohio State University Extension Office discussing prenuptial agreements for farms.  The Fact Sheet properly states that “[f]arm and agriculture businesses often …

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Perhaps Prenups Can Be Romantic Afterall. . .

Rincker LawFood & Ag Law

I have wanted to write this blog for quite sometime now.  I know marriage and divorce is a sensitive subject for a lot of people.  I want to preface this blog by stating that I am an unmarried women so my only first-hand knowledge of marriage is by watching my parents, grandparents, aunts & uncles, and friends that are in …

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A Handshake Just Won’t Cut It

Rincker LawFood & Ag Law

Farmers and ranchers are constantly dealing with family, friends, and people that they have had a business relationship with for years and years.  Because of these long-term relationships, it is easy for farmers and ranchers to trust the other party in this type of business transaction.  It is not rare for farmers to make oral contracts with one another with …

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Farm Lease Considerations

Rincker LawFood & Ag Law

Even though a landowner might be leasing his or her farm to family members, neighbors, or friends, it is highly suggested that the terms of the lease be memorialized in writing.  This is particularly important since oral contracts involving a tenancy in land are not enforceable. There are several issues that should be discussed between the landowner and tenant.  In …

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