Horses + Divorces, Grapes + Gripes, and Romantic Farmer Prenups

Rincker LawFamily/Matrimonial Law, Food & Ag Law Leave a Comment

I’m talking the intersect between family/matrimonial law and agriculture in Tiffany Dowell Lashmet’s podcast “Ag Law in the Field”.  I’m on Episode 4 and you can listen to the podcast interview here or download it via iTunes.  I talk about why I love prenups and Alternative Dispute Resolution with divorce, especially in the contest of agriculture. I also give some …

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Cari’s 6 Tips for Married Folks

Rincker LawFamily/Matrimonial Law Leave a Comment

I was recently interviewed regarding my “tips for married couples”.  I’m a single gal and have never been married myself; however, I feel like I’ve learned a lot about married from my chair as being a matrimonial lawyer.  For what’s it’s worth, here are my $0.02.  (p.s. – Happy Pi Day!) 1. Talk About Finances. When people are going through …

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New York Child Custody and Visitation Agreements – Think About Traveling with Children

Rincker LawFamily/Matrimonial Law 1 Comment

The Courts have found travel to be in the best interest of the child. Consequently, a parent should not unreasonably withhold consent for the child to travel with the other parent. If the non-traveling parent unreasonably withholds consent then the court can override the non-traveling parent’s objection to the travel.  See Matter of Arroyo v. Agosta, 2010 NY Slip Op …

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New York Child Custody and Visitation Law: Sibling Visitation

Rincker LawFamily/Matrimonial Law Leave a Comment

Siblings have a statutory right to visitation with each other.  This is true whether the relationship be of full-blood siblings or half-blood siblings.  There is a two-part analysis for evaluating sibling visitation.  First, standing – or the right to be heard – has to be established.  Second, the court must determine whether the visitation is in the best interest of …

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Ask Cari: Common Mistakes in a Divorce

Rincker LawAsk Cari, Family/Matrimonial Law Leave a Comment

Here is a question that I recently received: “Hey Cari, What do people often do “wrong” when they’re about to file for divorce or in the midst of a divorce?” My response: People going through divorce sometimes believe that going to court immediately is the way to resolve things. To the contrary, mediation or the collaborative divorce process would be the …

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Animal Abuse Registry in Rockland County, New York

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Following Suffolk County’s decision to maintain an animal abuse registry, Rockland County also enacted a law to have those convicted of animal abuse crimes register. Rockland County requires all persons convicted of an animal abuse crime to register with the database within five days of being sentenced or being released from incarceration. Each registrant has to pay an annual $50.00 …

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Child Custody and Visitation Law: Getting a Parenting Plan for School Breaks and Summer Vacation

Rincker LawFamily/Matrimonial Law Leave a Comment

School Breaks Schools in New York typically have four (4) school breaks:  Thanksgiving/Fall Break, Christmas/Winter Break, President’s Day/Mid-Winter Break, and Easter/Spring Break.  When drafting a parenting plan, parents should be cognizant on what was agreed to with the holiday schedule.  Here is an example schedule (for illustrative purposes): School Break Time Even Years Odd Years Mid-Winter Recess (President’s Day Week) …

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Child Custody and Visitation: Getting a Holiday Schedule in Place

Rincker LawFamily/Matrimonial Law Leave a Comment

After deciding the “basic parenting time schedule”, parents should then decide how they want to handle holidays. Holidays include the following: School holidays/ National holidays (e.g., Columbus Day, Memorial Day) Religious holidays (e.g., Easter) Other holidays (e.g., Halloween) Birthdays (parents and children) Father’s Day and Mother’s Day Parents should make a list of all applicable holidays in which the parents …

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New York Child Custody Law: So What Exactly is “Legal Custody?”

Rincker LawFamily/Matrimonial Law Leave a Comment

Legal custody refers to the parent or parents that have decision-making authority over “major decisions” regarding the child, such as non-emergency medical care, religion, education, and extracurricular activities.  When you think of the phrase “legal custody,” replace it with the phrase “decision-making” (e.g., sole decision-making or joint decision-making).  Please note that “day-to-day” decisions are made with the parent who has …

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Choosing a New York Family Law or Divorce Mediator

Rincker LawAlternative Dispute Resolution Leave a Comment

It is important to choose the right mediator for you and your particular dispute. Mediators vary in experience, language proficiency, subject matter expertise, style, fees, communication, and level of involvement. For example, some mediators are able to speak fluently in different languages or have knowledge in certain family law disputes (e.g., animal ownership disputes). Some mediators do “virtual mediation” while others …

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Overview of Family Law or Divorce Mediation Process

Rincker LawAlternative Dispute Resolution, Family/Matrimonial Law 1 Comment

Initial Consultation It is recommended that parties considering a mediation first have an initial consultation with the mediator. This initial consultation can be via the telephone or in-person. The parties may choose to have the initial consultation together or separately. During this stage, the mediator oftentimes will have the parties sign a confidentiality agreement, explaining that everything stated during the …

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What is Mediation?

Rincker LawAlternative Dispute Resolution Leave a Comment

Mediation vs. Arbitration Mediation is oftentimes confused with arbitration. In mediation, a mediator acts as a neutral third party to help the parties reach an amicable resolution. Put simply, a mediator helps facilitate a conversation between the parties. A mediator is not a judge or a jury and does not make a decision for the parties. However, in some instances, …

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