How to Prepare for a High Net Worth Divorce in Illinois

Cari RinckerDivorce, Family/Matrimonial Law, Illinois Divorce

By definition, a high asset divorce in Illinois is defined as any divorce that involves at least one of the spouses having assets valued over $1 million. These divorces often involve very complex issues and must be handled by an experienced attorney. If you are going to be involved in a high asset divorce in Illinois, you are encouraged to …

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A Champaign Family Law Attorney Explains How to Tackle Difficult Divorce Topics

Cari RinckerDivorce, Family/Matrimonial Law

Divorce necessitates frank discussions concerning numerous touchy subjects. It can be difficult for one or both spouses to talk about these things but doing so is essential to make divorce a more constructive process. Negotiations become even tenser when children are involved. For instance, the divorcing couple needs to make critical decisions about the allocation of parental responsibilities, and it …

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