Ask Cari: Tips on Public Speaking

Rincker LawFood & Ag Organizations

I was recently interviewed by an agriculture youth organization about public speaking skills and public speaking contests.  Here are my answers!  1) Tell us a little bit about yourself along with your background in agriculture. I grew up on a Simmental farm in Central Illinois showing cattle through 4-H, FFA, and the American Junior Simmental Association (“AJSA”). I judged livestock …

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ANCW National Beef Speakers Bureau

Rincker LawAg-vocacy, Conferences and Meetings, Food & Ag Organizations

I am very proud to have been selected for the American National Cattlewomen (“ANCW”) National Beef Speakers Bureau (“NBSB”).  A group of 20 women met in Denver, Colorado last week before the National Cattlemen’s Beef Association (“NCBA”) Annual Convention and Trade Show for three days of training.  We spent one day honing our public speaking skills so that we may …

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