A Champaign Mediation Attorney Explains Why Mediation is Beneficial for Child Support

Cari RinckerDivorce, Divorce Mediation, Family/Matrimonial Law Leave a Comment

Going through a divorce is never easy, but when you have children with your spouse, the situation only gets more difficult to handle.  A Champaign mediation attorney shares some reasons why mediation can be helpful for child support.

It is Less Time Consuming

Mediation fosters an environment where parties come together to come to an amicable solution for all.  Because the focus is on finding solutions rather than drawn-out litigation in the courtroom; mediation can be handled more efficiently than litigation.

Mediating Child Support Issues is Way More Cost-Effective Than a Court Battle

If you decide to fight about child support and end up having to go to court, it will not only cost you time, but it will cost you lots of money in legal fees. This is why it is better to consider mediation.  As long as you and your spouse are both on speaking terms with each other and are willing to put your differences aside for a simplified divorce process, mediation will be a good fit.

Start the Process by Writing Down Your Child Support Expenses

It is important to sit down and evaluate what your goals are when it comes to child support.  Start by making a list of all expenses and determining if you can come to some sort of agreement on who should pay for what. This will be helpful when you meet with your mediator.

Another Advantage of Mediating Child Support is That You Will Come to a Faster Resolution Which Equals Getting Child Support Payments Sooner

If finances are tight and your primary goal is to make sure your children are provided for; then mediation may be ideal for you.

If you don’t mediate and end up going to court, it could end up being a tough couple of months or even years until the court decides what type of child support will be granted.

If you don’t have the finances to provide for your children while you must wait for your case to be settled then you may not avoid court.

Next Steps Once You Decide that Mediation is the Right Option for You

Contact Rincker Law PLLC today to speak to one of our experienced Champaign mediators and schedule a meeting.  Call us today at (217) 774-1373.

Once you have secured an appointment with us, start gathering the specific details of your case and pertinent documentation.  The more information you can provide us with, the better we will be able to help you with your child custody case.

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