Do you have an internet-based business? Even if you facilitate the purchase and delivery of products or services entirely online, you are still running a business with all of the legal advantages and pitfalls that entails. Many e-commerce operations face unique legal challenges, which Rincker Law can help you solve. Contract Negotiation & Management Every e-commerce business relies on relationships …
One Call You Must Make After You Buy a Home
During the home buying process, you worked with a lot of individuals: your realtor, the seller’s realtor, the title company, the loan officer, and the home inspector. Now that you have finalized the purchase of your house, there is one more expert you need to call: your estate planning attorney. Aligning Your Ownership with Existing Estate Planning First, your attorney …
Questions First Responders Must Consider to Best Protect Their Loved Ones
Thank you for all that you do for us. We understand that being the first one on the scene can come with many different risks. We are dedicated to protecting you and your loved ones from the different types of emergencies that may pop up during your life. The following are some important questions for you to consider that can …
How to Start an E-commerce Business
If you have ever considered starting an e-commerce business, now is a great time to move from ideation to action. Online retail sales exploded to an all-time high amid COVID-19 lockdowns, travel bans, and brick-and-mortar closures, and this was not just a temporary bump. E-commerce was already experiencing strong year-over-year growth prior to 2020. The accelerated shift to online purchases …
The Pros and Cons of Probate
In estate planning circles, the word “probate” often comes with a starkly negative connotation. Indeed, for many people — especially those with larger estates — financial planners recommend trying to keep property out of probate whenever possible. That being said, the probate system was ultimately established to protect the property of the deceased and his/her heirs, and in a few …
Estate Planning for Religious Leaders
Your noble calling is to help others grow in their faith and assist them in navigating the difficult circumstances that life may throw their way. It is important that you also take care of your affairs, however. A financial and estate planning team can help you create a plan that will protect you today and tomorrow so you can better …
Which life events require an immediate estate plan update?
Estate planning is the process of developing a strategy for the care and management of your estate if you become incapacitated or upon your death. One commonly known purpose of estate planning is to minimize taxes and costs, including taxes imposed on gifts, estates, generation skipping transfer and probate court costs. However, your plan must also name someone who will …
Revocable Trust vs. Irrevocable Trust: Which Is Best for You?
A properly funded trust allows you to avoid probate, minimize taxes, provides organization, maintains control, and provides for yourself and your heirs. In its most simple terms, a trust is a book of instructions wherein you tell your trusted people what to do, when. While there are many types of trusts, the major distinction between trusts is whether they are …
Why Joint Tenancy Should Not Be the Go-To Plan for ALL Newlyweds
If you are recently married or have been married and are acquiring additional assets, know that you have options when it comes to how the property will be titled. And, although joint tenancy seems like an easy and convenient choice, it may not work as well as you would think. What is Joint Tenancy? After getting married, it is common …
How to Choose a Guardian for Yourself
Every day we make hundreds of decisions from what to eat for breakfast to where we go on vacation. With each passing day, there are more choices to be made. But, what will happen if you can’t make decisions for yourself? Before that time comes, there is one important decision you need to make. Who do you want to serve …
Five Mistakes Successor Trustees Make (and How to Prevent Them)
When establishing a trust, you must give serious thought to who you choose as your successor trustee—the person who will manage, invest, and hand out the trust’s accounts and property once you are no longer able to do so. This individual ideally should be someone you trust implicitly; someone who is organized, responsible, transparent, and meticulous; and someone who can …