Have you thought about planning your estate? Life is more uncertain than ever, so it’s wise to be prepared. Consider consulting a Champaign estate planning attorney to get guidance on planning an estate. No one likes to think about the worst happening to themselves or the people they love, but estate planning is a profound act of love. You’ll be …
Five Reasons Business Owners Need Estate Plans
Business owners are notorious for engrossing themselves in the day-to-day management and functions of their businesses. As a business owner, you are likely the heart and soul of the company you lead. Your clients love you, and you have built unique relationships with your contractors and suppliers. Suppose, however, that tragedy strikes: You, as the business owner, are in a …
3 Minute Survey on Farm Estate Planning
I am working on a video series on farm estate, business and succession planning. I would like to get a better feel for what is actually happening in this arena in agriculture. I have a quick 26 question survey on the topic and it would mean a lot to me if you would take a few minutes to answer these …
Conversation Starters for Farm and Ranch Estate & Succession Planning Discussions
I was speaking a few nights a go to a crew of cattlemen about how to start the conversation with family members on estate and succession planning. I recommended that if the conversation is particularly challenging to start to consider hiring a mediator (or even a virtual mediator) who understands agriculture to move the conversation along; however, what has worked …
NY Estate Planning: Electronic Execution of Last Will and Testament
Typically, a will must be signed in front of two (2) witnesses and other estate planning documents require a notary. Now, due to social distancing guidelines, Executive Order No. 202.14 issued by Governor Cuomo states, in pertinent part, that witnessing can be performed via audio-video technology as long as certain conditions are met. Similarly, under Executive Order No. 2020.7, so …
In the House Bored? Cari’s Top 3 Tips for Getting Your Estate Plan Organized
As I noted in this video blog, for those looking to accomplish something (important) from home during the COVID-19 stay-at-home order, here are three things that you can do to get your estate planning documents up to date: Organize Your Documents One tip is to have an emergency document or “cheat sheet.” That way, all of your key information is …
Ask Cari: 3 Things Families Should Consider During COVID-19 Pandemic and Shelter in Place
Our phones have been ringing off the hook during this pandemic – we have all been affected by this virus and it’s times like now that remind us about what is important in life. Here are 3 considerations/ reminders during this time: Parenting Time During Shelter in Place- Most states have carve-outs during the shelter in place for parenting time. Speak …
New York Allows for Electronic Notary Services
Breaking News from Sabra Law Group – Great news! Rincker Law is able to help facilitate this need. Executive Order 202.7 allows for electronic notarization in New York State! IN ADDITION, by virtue of the authority vested in me by Section 29-a of Article 2-B of the Executive Law to issue any directive during a disaster emergency necessary to cope …
Ask Kym: How Can I Legally Protect My Wishes if I am Hospitalized and My Family Cannot Visit due to COVID-19?
I have already heard of several cases from family, friends, and colleagues about family members (even spouses and children) being restricted from seeing patients affected by illness and COVID-19. This is extremely sad because loved ones in comas or other dire circumstances are unable to be comforted by their family and friends. They are also unable to communicate their wishes …