New Jersey Agriculture Mediation Program Handbook

Rincker Law Alternative Dispute Resolution, Food & Ag Law Leave a Comment

I have been on the New Jersey Agriculture Mediation Program Roster for the two years offered through the New Jersey Department of Agriculture.  The program is free to agriculture producers.  The program recently published a handbook that can be found online here. The handbook does a nice job explaining the types of disputes that can be mediated through the agriculture …

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Upcoming Agriculture Law CLE on 1031 Exchanges

Rincker Law Food & Ag Law, Webinars Leave a Comment

As I noted in this post, I will be moderating a Continuing Legal Education (“CLE”) webinar on May 29th at 2pm ET for the American Bar Association (“ABA”) General Practice, Solo & Small Firm Division (“GP Solo”) Agriculture Law Committee on 1031 Exchanges.  (Whew- that’s a mouthful).  Members of the American Agriculture Law Association (“AALA”) can attended at the ABA …

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Upcoming Ag Labor Law Presentation in Baltimore, Maryland

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I am on the planning committee for the 2014 American Agriculture Law Association (“AALA”) Northeast Regional and helping organize the ag labor presentation from 11am to 12pm on June 6, 2014 at the University of Maryland, School of Law. Attorneys Karen Eichman from Kennett Square, PA and Arthur Read from the Friends of Farmworkers, Inc. in Philadelphia will give an …

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Save the Date: AALA Northeast Regional Meeting

Rincker Law Conferences and Meetings, Food & Ag Law Leave a Comment

I am on the planning committee for the first ever American Agriculture Law Association (“AALA”) Northeast Regional Meeting scheduled for June 6, 2014 at the University of Maryland, School of Law.  I am helping put together the employment/labor law session that day but we will also have helpful sessions on Concentrated Animal Feeding Operations (“CAFO’s”) and environmental law, the Food …

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3 Upcoming Agriculture Presentations in Upstate New York

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I will be 2 presentations at the Southern Tier Risk Management Conference at the Jamestown Community College in Olean, NY on May 19th.  I’ll be giving the keynote speech on the Broken Window’s Theory and how it can apply to risk management and the family farm or agri-businesses. It is truly the “little things” that can make the big different. …

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Overview of Farm Leases

Rincker Law Food & Ag Law, Webinars Leave a Comment

In case you missed my webinar on farm leases, you can review my outline on my JD Supra page here. It provides some helpful information that I was not able to talk about during the CLE last week with the National Agricultural Law Center (“NALC”).  You may request a recording by reaching out to NALC directly.  Hope it is a …

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Distance Learning Option for an LL. M. in Agriculture and Food Law

Rincker Law Agriculture Education, Food & Ag Law Leave a Comment

Excitingly, the University of Arkansas, School of Law will be offering a distance learning option for its prestigious LL.M. Program in Agriculture and Food Law beginning this fall.  I am oftentimes contacted by aspiring food and agriculture lawyers.  I always recommend agriculture law programs available at the University of Arkansas.  Just look at this list of food and agriculture law …

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My Farm Lease Presentation

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Happy Friday! I gave a presentation yesterday to the National Agricultural Law Center along with the great Tiffany Dowell.  The below presentation focuses on active v. passive income, basic types of farm leases, and general farm lease provisions.  Hope that it is helpful! [slideshare id=32186578&doc=nalcfarmleases-140311132029-phpapp01]

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Farm and Ranch Lease Webinar

Rincker Law Business/Commercial Law, Food & Ag Law, Webinars Leave a Comment

I will be presenting on farm and ranch leases on March 12, 2014 with Tiffany Dowel, an agriculture lawyer and extension specialist with Texas A & M University for the National Agricultural Law Center (“NALC”).  The CLE is titled “Farm & Ranch Leases:  Overview and Practical Negotiation Pointers.” The webinar is free to members of the American Agricultural Law Association. …

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Succession Planning for Your Farming Business

Rincker Law Estate Planning, Food & Ag Law Leave a Comment

Proud of my little cousin Austin Rincker- He made the cover of the Illinois  Field and Bean last month (the flagship publication of the Illinois Soybean Association).  He is noted in the article starting on page 6 titled “Successful Succession- Begin With the End in Mind.” If you follow this blog then you know how important succession planning for farms, …

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Using Business Entities as a Risk Management Tool for Your Farm or Food Business

Rincker Law Business/Commercial Law, Food & Ag Law, Slideshare Presentations, Social Media and Technology, Speaking Engagements Leave a Comment

I enjoyed presenting at the NOFA-NY Annual Meeting last Sunday in Saratoga Springs, NY.  My presentation on “Using Business Entities as a Risk Management Tool to Help Organic Growth for your Food & Agriculture Business” is below. [slideshare id=30215443&doc=organicgrowthforyourbusiness-useofbusinessentities-140120092329-phpapp02]

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Some Great Press- Thankful for my Lake Land College Experience!

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As some of you might know, I’m a proud “distinguished” alum from Lake Land College, in Mattoon, Illinois (see this as well).  It has been instrumental in my path in becoming an agriculture lawyer in New York City.  You can read this press release that was recently published about my win in the Best of the Barns Competition.  Thank you …

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