Episode 47 of Ag Law Today: Farm Succession Stories

Cari Rincker Food & Ag Law, Podcasts, Social Media and Technology Leave a Comment

In this episode of Ag Law Today, hear me interview Brian Schaumburg on farm succession planning on this episode of Ag Law Today.   Don’t forget to subscribe to Ag Law Today on YouTube so you don’t miss a beat.  You can watch this episode or other episodes of Ag Law Today (via Purdue University Extension). More info on Ag …

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Episode 45 of Ag Law Today: Equine Activities Liabilities Act

Cari Rincker Animal Law, Equine Law, Farm Life, Podcasts, Social Media and Technology Leave a Comment

Loved this interview with nationally recognized equine lawyer Julie Fershman with Foster Swift.  You can listen to the episode here.

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Episode 44 of Ag Law Today: Renewable Energy on the Farm

Cari Rincker Energy Law, Food & Ag Law, Property Law Leave a Comment

Loved this conversation with Todd Janzen, an agriculture lawyer based in Indianapolis with Janzen Schroeder Ag Law, on this episode of Ag Law Today.  We are talking all things renewable energy.  You can listen to the podcast on YouTube here.

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Ask Ruth: Egg Sales in Illinois

Cari Rincker Food & Ag Law Leave a Comment

Generally speaking, there are two ways an egg producer can sell their flock’s eggs in Illinois. Under Illinois law, producers can sell eggs produced by their own flock directly to household consumers for their personal use without a license or inspection if the eggs are sold directly from the premises where the eggs are produced. If, however you wish to …

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Episode 43 of Ag Law Today: Processing Laws

Rincker Law Ag Law Today, Podcasts Leave a Comment

I loved this conversation with Beth Rumley on this episode of Ag Law Today speaking about all things slaughter and processing laws.  The National Agriculture Law Center is such a wealth of information.  Beth is a brilliant writer and speaker.  The agriculture community is lucky to have her.

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What You Need to Know about Hiring Seasonal Employees

Rincker Law Business/Commercial Law, Food & Ag Law 1 Comment

Summer is a popular time for businesses to hire temporary workers. Restaurants, golf clubs, resorts, amusement parks, and other warm-weather entertainment destinations depend on the summer months to boost their bottom line for the entire year. Despite the current labor shortage in some areas, this summer is expected to see a hot labor market as people emerge from pandemic lockdowns …

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Episode 41 of Ag Law Today: Ag Data

Rincker Law Food & Ag Law Leave a Comment

Loved this interview on the latest episode of Ag Law Today with Todd Janzen with Janzen Schroeder in Indiana on Ag Data.  This is such an important issue with different sectors of agriculture.

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Rincker Law is now on Pinterest!

Rincker Law Social Media and Technology Leave a Comment

If you are anything like me, Pinterest can be quite addicting.  I use it to find recipes, party ideas, office decoration ideas and heck – even chicken coop ideas.  You can now find Rincker Law, PLLC on Pinterest here!  Would love a follow and start pinning!

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Ask Cari: What You Need to Know about Buy-Sell Agreements

Rincker Law Business/Commercial Law Leave a Comment

If you are a business owner, you probably worry about your bottom line, employee retention, and health insurance premiums, but have you also considered what will happen to your business if you are in an accident? What if your business partner gets divorced and your partner’s ex-spouse is awarded part ownership of the business and wants to make decisions affecting …

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Client Cosmolex Portal

Rincker Law Rincker Law services Leave a Comment

Rincker Law, PLLC has been using Cosmolex for the last year.  Cosmolex offers an opportunity for us to have a Client Cosmolex Portal.  Client invoices, court pleadings, and correspondence is saved into your Cosmolex portal.  You are also able to upload documents into the portal to send them to us.  This can work great for confidential documents such as tax …

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