Will Be Attending the 2009 AALA Conference

Rincker LawUncategorized

I will be attending the 2009 American Agriculture Law Association (“AALA”) Conference held in Williamsburg, Virgina this Friday, September 25th, and Saturday, September 26th.  AALA has an exciting round of speakers and panelists this year.  I am excited to listen to some of the most renown experts in agriculture law speak on a wide breadth of issues affecting farmers and …

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Prof. Cupp’s Animal Law Article Wins AALA Scholarship Award

Rincker LawFood & Ag Law

The American Agriculture Law Association (“AALA”) announced that Prof. Richard L. Cupp from Pepperdine University, School of Law won its 2009 Professional Scholarship Award.  His article titled Moving Beyond Animal Rights:  A Legal/Contractualist Critique and can be downloaded online here from the San Diego Law Review. Prof. Cupp’s article critiques the analogy made by some animal rights theorists between granting …

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The Not-So-Simple Definition of “Agriculture Law”

Rincker LawFood & Ag Law, International Treaties and UN Organizations, Social Media and Technology

As I mentioned in my previous blog, I recently joined JD Supra where my documents can be found here.  Today, JD Supra featured my profile on its facebook page. I was asked what exactly agriculture law was from an editor in Florida where I did my best to answer her in limited space.  Since I oftentimes receive this question (lately …

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