Happy 7th Birthday to Rincker Law!

Rincker LawRincker Law Events, Speaking Engagements

Rincker Law, PLLC is 7 years old!  With each anniversary of my law practice, I like to reflect on the previous year.   Ruth has been my right hand girl for a few years now but Ravi Cattry joined the team a year ago.  It’s been great having these two ladies a part of the firm’s growth over the years. …

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Want to Hang Your Very Own Shingle? Upcoming CLE on Building Law Practice

Rincker LawRincker Law Events, Speaking Engagements, Webinars

I will presenting alongside two other attorneys on May 6, 2016 for a Lawline webinar titled “Building a Law Practice Brick by Brick” at 3:30pm ET.  Myself, Harlan York, and Daniel Gershburg will be answering the questions on how, why and should you open a law practice. The three of us will present on the following issues: • Steps lawyers should …

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Debrief From Skype Convo About Being an Agriculture Attorney

Rincker LawFood & Ag Law, Food & Ag Organizations

Wow.  Cannot believe how fast May is passing.  Time flies when you are having fun.  I had a pleasant conversation with some lovely ladies earlier this month who wish to have a career in agriculture law.  Here were a couple of the questions. 1.  How did you get started? I started my law practice by moving to New York City …

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