Labor Day Links

Rincker LawLinks and Online Resources

I hope everyone is enjoying their Labor Day!  I spent my Labor Day having some good ol’ Texas BBQ and enjoying the street fair in Manhattan.   Here are some links for your Labor Day reading: 1.  I spent Sunday afternoon listening to the U.S. Department of Agriculture/Department of Justice public workshops.  It is definitely worth a listen for livestock producers (particularly cattle folks).   …

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Monday Links

Rincker LawAg Book Club, Ag-vocacy, Conferences and Meetings, Social Media and Technology

It’s been a long time since I have posted a blog full of links to the work of other agriculture and legal bloggers — I have had a very hectic spring.  It’s a beautiful day here New York City.  Having some quality time with my coffee and catching up on blogs via Google Reader this morning and then taking a long walk/run around …

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Livestock Animal Cruelty Law Article

Rincker LawFood & Ag Law

I recently wrote a livestock animal cruelty article addressing farm animal welfare issues in New York.  The article discusses five defensive moves that New York livestock producers should make to help prevent criminal prosecution.  Though the article is state specific, the article is informative to livestock producers all over the country. If you would like specific information on livestock animal …

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Horse Transportation Requirements in New York

Rincker LawFood & Ag Law

Pursuant to N.Y. Agric. & Mkts Law § 359-a, there are specific requirements in New York for transporting horses.  These requirements are New York specific.  If you are interested in the requirements in your state, you should contact a local attorney. Pursuant to section 359-a(1), “[e]very vehicle utilized for the transportation of more than six horses shall meet the following …

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New York Horse Breeders Arrested For Animal Cruelty Charges

Rincker LawFood & Ag Law

In light of the arrest of horse breed Ernest Paragallo for the neglect and malnourishment of horses, New York horse breeders are concerned whether they are at risk for criminal prosecution.  Paragallo, a well-known horse breeder in the racing community and a resident of Long Island, is facing 35 misdemeanor counts of animal cruelty in Greene County, New York.  After …

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