New York Business Structures

Rincker LawFood & Ag Law, Food & Ag Organizations, Links and Online Resources 2 Comments

Over the weekend I stumbled across the materials from the First Annual Meeting of New York Agri-Women and reviewed this excellent article titled “Doing Business in New York State:  Structures and Strategies” by Bruce L. Anderson, Brian M. Henehan, and Charles J. Sullivan, Esq. Mr. Sullivan spoke on business organizations at the New York Agri-Women’s annual meeting.  If you have …

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Labor Day Links

Rincker LawLinks and Online Resources 2 Comments

I hope everyone is enjoying their Labor Day!  I spent my Labor Day having some good ol’ Texas BBQ and enjoying the street fair in Manhattan.   Here are some links for your Labor Day reading: 1.  I spent Sunday afternoon listening to the U.S. Department of Agriculture/Department of Justice public workshops.  It is definitely worth a listen for livestock producers (particularly cattle folks).   …

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