Farm Machinery Leases

Rincker LawFood & Ag Law

Leasing farm equipment, rather than buying it, may be appropriate when the equipment is only needed for a short period of time or if the value of the equipment will be low after the intended use or if the farmer is limited by income or funds. The following terms are what should be included in the lease for lease of …

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Happy Belated Labor Day

Rincker LawAg Extension Education, Ag-vocacy, Agriculture Production

I hope all of my readers had a wonderful Labor Day.  I had a great time at the New York State Fair over the weekend with my father.  You can find several of the pictures that I took during the open beef show on my Twitter page (@CariRincker). I always gain a newfound passion for the food industry every time …

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Approaching Wedding Season: Is a Prenuptial Agreement Prudent for Your Agriculture Business?

Rincker LawFamily/Matrimonial Law

For those of you who missed it, in this previous post last fall I discussed why I thought prenuptial (“prenups”) agreements were “romantic.”  Last night, I came across this Fact Sheet by Chris Zoller and David Marrison from The Ohio State University Extension Office discussing prenuptial agreements for farms.  The Fact Sheet properly states that “[f]arm and agriculture businesses often …

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