So What If I Don’t Agree If My Marriage Is “Irretrievably Broken?”

Rincker LawFamily/Matrimonial Law

As I noted in this post, New York now has “no fault” divorce permitting the court to award a divorce based on one spouse’s sworn statement that the marriage has been “irretrievably broken” for at least the prior six (6) months prior to the commencement of the divorce.  So what exactly does it mean for a marriage to be “irretrievably …

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Proud Business Sponsor of the Long Island Small Farm Summit

Rincker LawFood & Ag Law

Rincker Law, PLLC is a proud “Friend of the Farmer” business sponsor for the Long Island Small Farm Summit scheduled on Saturday, April 14, 2012 at Hofstra University.  The event has a great agenda chalk full of valuable educational workshops ranging from business planning, direct consumer marketing, laws affecting the local food movement, and “Neighbor-Supported Agriculture.”  The afternoon has practical …

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Reminder To Register For Upcoming Crop & Livestock Insurance CLE

Rincker LawRincker Law Events, Webinars

Dear Fellow Agriculture Attorneys (and Law Students): This is a friendly reminder to register for the crop and livestock/equine insurance law CLE that is scheduled for Wednesday, January 25, 2012.  The CLE is hosted by the American Bar Association (“ABA”) General Practice, Solo & Small Firm Division’s Agriculture Law Committee.  If you cannot attend the live webinar, a recording can …

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Upcoming ABA Crop & Livestock Insurance CLE

Rincker LawFood & Ag Law, Links and Online Resources, Rincker Law Events, Webinars

As part of my new leadership role with the American Bar Association (“ABA”) General Practice, Solo & Small Firm Division’s Agriculture Law Committee, I have been busy helping plan a Continuing Legal Education (“CLE”) webinar on crop and livestock insurance. This program will lay down the fundamental building blocks for practicing either crop and or livestock insurance law.  Please mark your …

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So What’s Your Number? The ABC’s of FICO’s

Rincker LawCredit

I receive a lot of questions from clients regarding credit scores.  I think a primer on FICO’s would be appropriate. There are three credit reporting agencies (“CRAs”):  Equifax, Experian, and TransUnion.  I recommend reviewing your credit report annually from each of the three CRAs from (as opposed to which actually charges you to obtain your credit report instantaneously). …

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Fridays With Cari – Upcoming Webinar Series

Rincker LawAg-vocacy, Animal Law, Estate Planning, Family/Matrimonial Law, Food & Ag Law, Food & Ag Policy, Rincker Law Events, Social Media and Technology, Webinars

Thanks to Ranch House Designs, there have been a few changes recently to  I would like to bring your attention to the new “Events” page located here. Beginning in November, I am starting a new webinar series titled “Fridays with Cari” that will focus on a myriad of food and agriculture law issues including New York livestock animal cruelty …

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Information for Landlords & Tenants in New Jersey

Rincker LawFood & Ag Law, Links and Online Resources, Property Law

A few weeks ago, I participated in mediation training in Trenton, New Jersey.  While I was there, I came across some excellent pamphlets regarding landlord-tenant law in New Jersey.  If you are in a landlord-tenant dispute in New Jersey, I encourage you to pick-up either the “Information for Tenants” or the “Information for Landlords” brochure from the civil courthouse.  The …

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Child Support Calculations in New York

Rincker LawFamily/Matrimonial Law

As I wrote in yesterday’s post, divorce is something that affects people of every industry– including farmers, ranchers, and agri-businesses.  A party does not necessarily have to be going through divorce to be owed child support.  In New York, the court calculates (weekly, bi-weekly, or monthly) child support based upon the Child Support Standards Act (“CSSA”).  The statutory formula is …

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The New “No Fault” Divorce Law in New York

Rincker LawFamily/Matrimonial Law

I want to preface this blog by saying that I’m a huge fan of marriage, family, Prince Charming, and (most) romantic gushy stuff (and if you want to send me flowers I prefer daisies or violet roses!).  I believe that love is sometimes a choice and couples should do everything they possibly can to stay together- in the good times …

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Tradition and Technology

Rincker LawAg-vocacy, Conferences and Meetings, Food & Ag Organizations

Last week I spoke to the New York Farm Bureau (“NYFB”) Young Farmers and Ranchers (“YF&R”) about finding the right balance between tradition and technology.  I thought that I would share a few thoughts from my presentation here. 1.  The Use of Technology in Agriculture Is Traditional.  Farmers and ranchers have always used technological advancements to increase efficiency, quality, safety, …

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